
This is a simple package for sending Wake-On-LAN packets to other host in a local network. This started as a pet-project to put together and test a series of technologies I'm interested in. The all WOL packet sending is managed by the Python package wakeonlan, for which wolproxypycli acts as a wrapper.


As a package

The wolproxypycli package is available on PyPI. You can choose either of the following option to install the dependency in your project:

  • poetry add wolproxypycli - Install via poetry
  • pip install wolproxypycli - Install via pip

As a local project

  1. git clone https://github.com/bateman/wolproxypy - Clone the project from GitHub.
  2. make install - Install all dependencies via poetry.
  3. make docs - Build the documentation site via mkdocs.



Once installed in your project, you can access it programmatically as follows:

from wolproxypycli import wol


Acceptable formats for supplying a mac address are:


As optional parameters you can supply also:

  • ip - the ip address of the host to send the magic packet to.
  • port - the port of the host to send the magic packet to.
  • interface the ip address of the network adapter to route the magic packet through.

Please, refer to the module documentation for more.

Command line

The following assumes that you cloned the image locally as described in the Installation step 1 above. You can run the tool from the command line as follows:

poetry run wolproxypycli <MAC>

The CLI has been built using Typer, so the following command will give yout this pretty-printed help menu with all the arguments.

poetry run wolproxypycli --help

Usage: wolproxypycli [OPTIONS] MAC

  Wake up computers having any of the given mac addresses.

  Wake on lan must be enabled on the host device. Leverages the PyPy package

  Args:     mac: One or more mac addresses of machines to wake.

  Keyword Args:     ip: the ip address of the host to send the magic packet
  to.     port: the port of the host to send the magic packet to.
  interface: the ip address of the network adapter to route the magic packet

  Returns:     status: "success" if the magic packet was sent successfully;
  "failure" otherwise.

  MAC  [required]

  --ip TEXT                       [default:]
  --port INTEGER                  [default: 9]
  --interface TEXT
  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.